Saturday, July 27, 2024

About Us

Founded in 1883 by Henry Thomas Smith and J.A. Cowan, THE EQUITY was originally located on Main Street in Bryson, Quebec, before moving to Shawville in the early 1900s. Smith sold his share to Cowan six years later. The office was then relocated to its present location at 133 Centre Street, Shawville, Quebec in the County of Pontiac, West Quebec.

Current owner is Charles Dickson, who continues to uphold the aims and beliefs as stated by the founders. The Equity continues to serve Pontiac with balanced reporting, fine photos and splendid advertising every week.

The newspaper has always maintained “A fair representation through the columns of the press” as it was so stated in its first edition back on June 7, 1883.

Excerpts from the first edition:

June 7, 1883 – Prospectus: We take much pleasure today in presenting the public with the first number of THE EQUITY newspaper, to which we cordially invite its attention.
In making our appearance in the journalistic arena, we do so deeply cognizant of the responsibility which attaches to that position.
A definition of the word which we have chosen for the name of our journal at once suggests the course it is our intention to pursue: EQUITY – that virtue which treats all persons according to the rules of reason and justice – an adherence to which, it must be admitted, is no very easy task; and, if through mis-judgement or indiscretion, our efforts to do so prove futile, the indulgence of a discerning public is solicited.
In local affairs The Equity purposes taking a most active part. Believing that the interests of the inhabitants of the county of Pontiac stand paramount to all others, we will consider it our first duty to advocate and protect those interests, and to further this end, our columns will be open to those who choose to discuss matters identical with them.