Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Way We Were

May 24, 1995 
25 Years Ago

March against women’s poverty: Women in Pontiac are being rallied to support women throughout Quebec.
A march, billed as the “bread and Roses Women’s March”, whose purpose is to increase the general awareness of poverty and its effects, is taking place from Montreal to Quebec city with the scheduled arrival of thousands of women in Quebec City on June 4.
Locally, a conference conducted by Lorraine Gagné will take place at the Forest Inn in Bryson. 
Minor ball begins in town: Young Joe Carters and Roberto Alamars stepped up to the plate at the ball diamond in Shawville Monday night.
Shawville Recreation Association’s minor ball opened its season this week.
More than 100 area kids make up eight Shawville teams that play in the Pontiac league with teams from Fort Coulonge, Otter Lake, Campbell’s Bay, Bryson and Quyon.
“The kids were really waiting for this night,” said Bill Atkinson, chairman of the Shawville minor ball, as he watched the six, seven and eight-year-olds play. 

May 27, 1970
50 Years Ago

Royce Richardson named most gentlemanly at hockey: At the annual senior hockey dance held here Saturday night, Royce Richardson won the award for the most gentlemanly player, combining sportsmanship and ability. Carson Ryan won the award for the most valuable player and Bill Murray won the best defensive player award. Fan of the year was presented to Albert McQuarrie and coach Gil Fraser was honoured with a gift from the hockey team by captain Earl (Chester) Powell.
 Shawville junior gymnasts come second: On May 25, five gymnasts from McDowell Elementary School in Shawville competed in Aylmer against Buckingham and Aylmer Elementary in a regional meet.
The children competed in three categories: tumbling, vaulting and free exercise. Those participating were Mary Anne Horner, Gloria Crouse, George Horner, Royal Soucie and Wayne Campeau. Ronnie Hodgins came as a spectator but regretfully was not able to participate due to an arm injury.
Terry Davies drove the team to Aylmer and Muriel Keatley, their teach and coach, accompanied them.

May 31, 1945
75 Years Ago

Local News: A reception and presentation was tendered for Russell Black, recently returned from overseas, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sparrow of Thorne last week.
During the evening, which was spent in dancing, the young soldier was presented with a sum of money and a watch, the presentation being made by Mr. Lindsay Judd on behalf of those assembled.
Flt. Lieut. Douglas Horner returned from overseas last week and arrived at Shawville station on Saturday evening where he was met by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Horner of Radford, his brothers, L. Cpl. Leslie Horner of Camp Borden, Norman of Radford and sister, Mrs. Albert McMunn and her husband and other friends of the family. Flt. Lieut. Horner had completed 47 operational tours over enemy territory before VE-Day.
At a re-organizational meeting of the executive of the Progressive Conservative Association and others held at Hynes’ Hall on Wednesday night of last week, Mr. Thos. McCool, the official candidate in the forthcoming Dominion elections was present.
After being introduced to the gathering by the campaign chairman Mr. R.P. Eases, Mr. McCool said, “despite its splendid contribution to Canada’s war effort in production of essential base metals, timber and food, Pontiac county has been ignored by the Liberal party for the past five years and more.
Discussing post-war conditions, Mr. McCool said the primary needs of Pontiac like those of many ridings all across the Dominion would be jobs for workers and fair prices for the farmers.
The first Shawville Girl Guide Company attended a division rally at Aylmer fair grounds on Saturday. Mrs. R.G. Hodgins, president of the local association, accompanied nine of the guides by train to Aylmer.
Ten other guides with the captain, Mrs. C. Randell, went in cars driven by Mrs. Roy Macfarlane and Mrs. M. Hodgins.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a moving address of congratulations to King George on the victorious conclusion of the war in Europe, said with emotion: “I do not think any Prime Minister has ever received so much personal kindness and encouragement from his sovereign as I have. 
He is well beloved because of his courage, of his simple way of living and of his tireless attention to duty.”
The Prime Minister also extolled Queen Elizabeth for her war work. 
Churchill: ‘Carry on with the coffee’ Prime Minister Churchill sat calmly drinking coffee when a bomb damaged 10 Downing Street during the German air blitz on London, it was disclosed recently.
Churchill was dining when the ceiling and chandelier hurtled down. He merely said: “Carry on with the coffee.”
May 20, 1920
100 Years Ago

Local News: Mr. G.A. Howard took his eldest daughter Florence to Ottawa on Thursday afternoon to undergo an operation for appendicitis which has been afflicting her for some days.
Messrs. Gravelle Bros. of Aylmer presented a very creditable moving picture show to  a large audience in Moyle’s hall on Saturday evening last. The views embraced a variety of subjects and were particularly well defined. The last reel run off was composed of pictures of numerous public buildings and attractive points in Ottawa city, and was of special interest to many in the audience because of its having been made by Mr. John M. Alexander, a former Shawville boy, whose genius in the art of photography has won him distinction and incidentally a good position with the Dominion government.
A change in the passenger train service on he Waltham division of the C.P.R. is expected to come into effect on June 26. It will include a Sunday train which will leave Ottawa at 8 am., reach Shawville at 10:10 and Waltham at 11:30 a.m. Returning, this train will reach Ottawa at 10 p.m.
A Victorian Order nurse is expected to arrive in town this week to take the place of Miss McLaren. Anyone requiring her services will find her at Mrs. Knight’s residence.
A big forest fire is raging in a portion of the township of Cawood. Mostly through a section that had been previously burnt over.
Something over 200 motor licenses have been issued to Pontiac car owners and the number is being added to daily.
Local tennis artists have commenced to get things in shape for the summer’s amusement in this form of outdoor sport.

May 23, 1895
125 Years Ago

Local News: Our lacrosse team goes to Aylmer on the 24th to cross sticks with the boys of that town. 
The scream of the locomotive whistle at 6:15 on Monday morning last, the date of the change of time on the P.P.J.R. made our businessmen and travellers eastbound accelerate their movements appreciably on that occasion.
The weather has been very cool for the past week and jack frost has made his appearance in Parkman. The farmers are busily engaged putting in the crop, some have already finished. 
On Tuesday the 7th inst, the Fourth Quarterly Official Board of the Portage du Fort Circuit of the Methodist Church met in the Methodist church in Bryson to wind up the business of the circuit for the year. 
The coming 12th of July will be the centennial of the establishment of the order in Ireland. The Journal says there will be between 15,000 and 20,000 Orangemen in Ottawa on that day.
Ad: They are beauties! This seems to be the general verdict of all who have inspected McArthur’s stock of baby carriages lately received. If you want one, order at once and secure your choice.
Ad: The D & A Corsets - a specialty at G.F. Hodgins’, adds to the majestic beauty of a good figure.
We learn that Mr. Robert Moorhead of Bryson has been appointed fire ranger for Gillies Bros. Upper Ottawa limits.
Mr. Wm. Horner has acquired a portion of Mr. R.J. Black’s lot where the latter had in contemplation the erection of a workshop. 
There was a big increase in the export trade of Canada for April last compared with the same month in the previous year. The figures are: $5,027,035 for last April and $3,792,847 for April 1894. The principal increase is in animals and their products.


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