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A tip of the cap to essential workers

SHAWVILLE April 6 2020
On Monday morning, local first responders and businesses gathered outside of the Pontiac Community Hospital and several local businesses to salute other essential service workers.
The hospital was first on the list and the convoy arrived in their south parking lot a little after 10 a.m to kick things off. Yves Martineau, a sergeant with the local police detachment, was the organizer of the event and said that he wanted to voice his appreciation for the people working in public jobs in the face of COVID-19.
“It’s basically to say thank you to all the hospital staff, the grocery people, if we can we’re going to do pharmacies in Shawville,” he said. “We’re going to do a light and sound, and a thank-you wave.”
The convoy had representative from several local fire departments, the local ambulance service, a school bus and municipal government.
At the hospital, workers gathered near the entrances and waved back to
“It’s nice, very nice,” said Gerard Lariviere, a maintenance worker that’s been at the hospital for 22 years, and witnessed the display.
Rita O’Reilly, the assistant head nurse for the hospital’s emergency department and ICU, said that the tribute was much appreciated.
“It’s very emotional, it’s very nice of them to do,” she said. “Show support for the ones that are here.”
She said that hospital staff have been doing their best to deal with the evolving provincial strategy for dealing with COVID-19.
“I’ve been here for 33 years and things have changed incredibly over the past few weeks,” she said, adding that hand washing and other hygiene protocols have been stepped up significantly.
The convoy travelled from the hospital through town, blaring their sirens at Valu-mart and other essential workplaces throughout town.
On Friday, a similar tribute was held in Fort Coulonge outside their CLSC and included police, firefighters and paramedics.

On Monday morning, first responders and businesses from across the region gathered to give a brief salute to health care and essential service workers at the Pontiac Community Hospital, grocery stores and pharmacies. Pictured, the parade starts at the hospital parking lot.
Staff of the Shawville Valu-mart took in the display in their honour on Monday morning.
A submitted photo of a simular event Friday at the CLSC in Fort Colonge


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