Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Parents' Voice


What do we do with all of the candy? Don’t get me wrong, I love candy, but that is the problem. Now that my kids are a bit older, on Halloween we go to more and more houses on the big night. There’s so much candy in the house that I end up sneaking some. I also end up as the bad guy when I won’t let them bring their treats to school. I have found some ideas online of what else to do with all the candy.

10 – DIY trail mix. Take your Smarties, M&Ms, or other little candies and chocolates and add them to nuts, pretzels, and dry fruit to make your own trail mix.
9 - Keep some in your purse. You never know when you might need a pick me up or a bribe.
8 - Take it to work. This is a quick and easy way to get the candy out of your house. It is also an easy way to give away those candies that aren’t a big hit in your home.
7 - Save it to bake with. Put a bag of candies away in the freezer to use when you are in the kitchen. Whether making cookies, a cake, a milkshake, or an ice cream sundae, candies will give them a yummy twist.
6 - Make your own advent calendar. Homemade advent calendars can be as simple or as fancy as you would like, from making and attaching boxes together to decorating envelopes. Have your child pick 25 of their favourite candies and put them into their advent calendar.
5 - Make a gingerbread house. This is a great way to repurpose your Halloween candy and getting your kids to decorate a gingerbread house can be a great fine motor skill activity.
4 - Use it for a piñata. Maybe you have a birthday coming up. If not, you can put your candies in the freezer. When the party comes around, you can buy a premade piñata or if you are feeling crafty you can use paper mache to make your own original piñata.
3 - Make a trading station. This idea turns your kids’ candy into currency. You can put together books, games, small toys, crayons, and other small items and give them candy value. This will give your kids a chance to choose what they would like to “spend” their candy on and it is a fun way to keep them from getting sick from eating it all.
2 - Donate it to a charity such as Ronald McDonald House, a nursing home, food pantry, children’s hospital, veterans’ home, or a women’s shelter. It is a good idea to check with your local charities before dropping off any candy.
1 - Use it for science. Head on over to Google and you will find experiments using Skittles, Lifesavers, Starbursts, M&Ms, and more.

I hope your child’s Halloween was ghoultastic and that you don’t get overrun with too much candy.
Happy Halloween!


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