Friday, July 26, 2024

Have snow, will carve

SHAWVILLE Feb. 23, 2021 
On Feb. 23, a class of grade six students from Dr. S.E. McDowell Elementary School were hard at work sculpting creations out of the snow on the front lawn. Outdoor education instructor Alan Earwaker, who conducts the classes for both grades five and six, said that . . .

outdoor activities had been due to the pandemic .  He typically takes a group of grade sixes on an overnight camping trip, but was unable to this year. 
“They got to go last year, just before all the things shut down, it was really lucky,” he said. “But this year, leaving school property and outdoor education has been severely impacted.”
However, with a few simple hand tools, some food colouring and a whole lot of snow on the lawn, the class was able to put together some striking creations. 

Charlotte Graham, Samantha Dunn and Alexa Barré created a castle as their snow sculpture at Dr. S.E. McDowell Elementary.
Ryan Barr, Lorelei Smith and Brayleigh Barr were in the middle of adding some colour to their minion creations when they paused for a photo.
David Down-Roy, Jimmy Labombard-Beausoleil and Kayly Leclair Beaudin pose with their sculpted creation on Feb. 23.
Outdoor education instructor Alan Earwaker gave snow sculpting tips to a grade six class at Dr. S.E. McDowell Elementary School on Feb. 23.