Friday, July 26, 2024

Heritage College offers second language programs

CAMPBELL’S BAY Jan. 20, 2021

UPDATE: The deadline to apply for the programs has been extended from Jan. 20 to Feb. 1

Cégep Heritage College will be offering programs to help anyone to learn either French or English as a second language.
And by anyone, manager of continuing education Greg Graham means anyone. He wants everybody interested to know that there are . . .

several different options to choose from.
“We have an FSL program sponsored by Emploi Québec which is a special program where clients of Emploi Québec are referred to us by then and they take part in a full-time, intensive FSL program, 500 hours,” he explained. “The other ones are non-credit language courses and that’s open to anybody. We’ve got four ESL and three FSL going this winter.”
The full time program requires applicants to be actively looking for work, and they must apply through an agent with Emploi Québec, which can be done through the local Centre Locale d’Emplois in Campbell’s Bay for Pontiacers.
“We’ve offered something similar before but everything’s different now because it’s all online,” Graham said. “Before it was in-person. We had cohorts in the Pontiac campus in Campbell’s Bay, and we had cohorts at the main campus in Gatineau. But it would be a group of people coming together … Now it’s really exciting because we can get people from all over the place to participate in these language courses.”
Graham added that if the applicant is a resident of Quebec, depending on employment status, there are government subsidies available which bring the cost down from over $300 to just $25, plus book costs.
“This is a great program we’ve got going,” he said. “[If] you’re underemployed, or you got some spare time, or you’re seasonal, you don’t even have to be employed, we have all sorts of options here but the evening course is a nice way to go. It’s a nice commitment, if you haven’t done online learning before, you can try it first, see if you really like it, and then maybe next fall you can do something more intensive.”
The deadline to apply is Jan. 20, 2021. Applications and schedules for the lighter courses and any information can be done through the Cégep Heritage College website at If you have further questions, you are encouraged to call student services at (819) 778-2270 ext.1320.