Friday, July 26, 2024

It happens

Chris Lowrey
LUSKVILLE Dec. 4, 2017
On the way to an appointment in Gatineau on Dec. 4, Shirley and Charles Kucharik got a dangerous – and smelly – surprise.
As their vehicle approached the four lane section of Hwy. 148 in Luskville, three tanker trucks full of what appears to be human waste sprayed their payload all over the couple’s vehicle and a large stretch of the roadway.
“We got this whole big mess on us,” said Shirley. “I didn’t know what in blazes it was.”

She said there were three tanker trucks who were heading in the eastbound lanes when they were sprayed. Because of the mess that was all over their windows and the speed of the trucks, the couple couldn’t get a good look at what company the trucks belonged to.
Because they were heading to an appointment, the couple had to wait before taking their vehicle to a car wash. By then, the human waste had caked on to their vehicle and wasn’t coming off.
“It was stuck on like glue,” Shirley said. “We got a super wash but the super wash didn’t matter.”
In fact, the mess was baked on to such a degree that Shirley later had to take a bucket of warm water and a rag to clean the rest herself. She even had to use a toothbrush to clean the smaller areas in the vehicle’s grill that was full of effluent.
Even after all that work, Shirley said there are still remnants of the sewege spray on their vehicle.
Later in the day, a vehicle travelling westbound on Hwy 148 near Parker Road in Luskville hit the sewage slick and lost control, which caused the vehicle to roll over in the ditch.
The driver was transported by ambulance to the Hull hospital.
After the accident, Robert Erwin Trucking was contracted by the MTQ to clean up the mess. He said it was the first time his company has been called to clean up human waste from a roadway like this.
Representatives from the Sûreté du Québec and the MTQ could not be reached by press time.