Friday, July 26, 2024
The Way We Were

The Way We Were

May 3, 1995
25 Years Ago

No water for Quyon: It doesn’t look promising for Quyon. Although testing for swells was done at four different sites this past week, Quyon is still without water.
A well-digging company from Montreal began test drilling April 25. The Municipality of Pontiac was hoping the first site, at Bob Gordon’s property, just off of Clarendon Street, would produce enough water to dig a well. But after 36 feet, the testers hit bedrock. At the second site, off Wolf Lake Road, the story was the same.
As of yesterday afternoon, the municipality was trying to get permission to test on a farm on the 5th concession.
“Our last hope is this test site,” says Coun. Leo Gibbons, head of the water committee.
Quyon currently gets its water from the Ottawa River. Although the water is chlorinated, for more that a year, residents were forced to boil their water for 20 minutes before drinking it.
Old and new members win Curling Club trophies: The Shawville Curling Club hall was filled to capacity for the annual trophy night dinner Saturday.
Fraser mixed tournament winners were: Curling Club President Craig Young, Barry Draper, Gwen Armstrong and Peter Haughton.
Pattie Lid winners were: Phyllis Wilson, Bonney Harris, Marilyn Fahey and Carolyn Langford.
Doug Young trophy winners were: Joe Morris, Ed Tanner, Bonney Harris, Brian Drummond and Barry Drummond.

May 6, 1970
50 Years Ago

Quebec Liberal Pontiac Liberal and believe it or not Shawville Liberal: Jean Guy Larivière will now represent Pontiac County in Quebec and in fact, is there right now. He will also keep an office in Campbell’s Bay and intends to be here on weekends throughout the year.
Jean Guy is married to the former Annette Gravelle of Otter Lake and they have four sons and two daughters.
Jean Guy Larivière came first to Pontiac to wire the Pontiac Community Hospital in Shawville. He had been working as an electrician at the Rockcliffe Airport. After the hospital job here, he did electrical work at the Chenaux dam.
His first introduction to politics was when as a boy of 18, he went to hear the late Dr. S.E. McDowell campaign for the Liberal party in the old town hall in Campbell’s Bay.
Pontiac Peewee Allstars total eight trophies in exceptional season: The Shawville Pontiac Allstar team ended their hockey season on April 26 with an excellent record, claiming 7 team trophies and one individual player trophy.
Most coveted trophy on their list of wins was the ODHA Division ‘D’ Championship as well as crests.
The team also won the Upper Ottawa Valley Trophy donated by Renfrew Canadian Legion and also crests, after finishing in second place in the regular season and defeating Petawawa 2 games out of 3 in the finals. League teams were from Arnprior, Petawawa, Renfrew and Eganville.

May 10, 1945
75 Years Ago

Local News: V.E. Day celebrated with worship service: Victory Day in Europe was celebrated in Shawville without any marked degree of hilarity, noise or confusion. When word of the surrender of Germany was first announced Monday morning, business people got busy hoisting flags and decorating as well as did many in the residential section of the village.
The mayor’s proclamation for a holiday in town was not observed until Tuesday, after Prime Minister Churchill delivered his proclamation, then church bells peeled out the glad tidings that war in Europe was officially over.
The actual celebration of victory took the form of a worship service and parade which was carried out in a very orderly and reverent manner. The parade formed at the high school and was headed by Mayor W.C. Schwartz followed by a troop of school boys riding decorated bicycles, the eight clergymen representing the Clarendon Ministerial Association, a company of Girl Guides and then school children carrying flags and their teachers, followed by a long string of cars. The parade led to the Memorial Park where a halt was called, while Rev. H. Kielty delivered a brief address of remembrance for those who had fallen and a two-minute period of silent prayer by Rev. P.R. Stote of Charteris. The opening of the worship service was timed for the reception of His Majesty, the King’s address which was heard quite distinctly over the public address system.
Ad: “Now thank we all our God. We join with all Canadians in giving thanks for the victory in Europe which has delivered us from the perils of dictatorial domination and brutal ruthlessness.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our fighting men who, by their courage, devotion and sacrifices have once again made us all proud to be called Canadians.” Bank of Montreal.
Thomas E. McCool, prominent lumberman of the Ottawa Valley and one of the best known industrialists in Eastern Canada was unanimously chosen Progressive Conservative candidate in Pontiac County at a largely attended convention held at Fort Coulonge on May 7.
St. Paul’s Junior Ladies’ Guild scored another success when they presented their three-act play, “Sunbonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane” at Shawville Theatre on Monday night.
Although this was a repeat performance, the hall was again packed to capacity and the large audience appeared to thoroughly enjoy the presentation which was again ably directed by Mrs. G.G. McDowell.
Miss Muriel Strutt excelled in the leading role of “Sunbonnet Jane”, while characterization of the two maiden aunts, Grace and Miranda Jasper, played by Miss Gwenneth Shaw and Miss Melba Hodgins were equally well portrayed.
His Majesty King George VI has set aside in the British empire and President Trueman in the United States of America, Sunday, May 13th as a National Day of Dedication. Our King has called on all people everywhere to gather in the churches of their choice and there dedicate themselves to the high task of completing the victory by the defeat of Japan and the establishment of a world in which peace, brotherhood, humanity and justice shall be supreme.
The Prime Minister of Canada and his government have also by proclamation urged that Sunday be set aside for this purpose in Canada.

April 29, 1920
100 Years Ago

Local News: The tolling of church bells about three o’clock on Wednesday morning last, awoke citizens to apprise them of the fact that a fire was raging at J.M. Argue’s saw mill, situated on the south side of the village east of Centre Street. People rushed to the scene as hurriedly as possible only to find that the mill was a seething mass of flame and almost unapproachable. There were some daring spirits however, who dug in to save a pile of lumber and some logs that were close to the mill on the south side where the sawing equipment was located and these, with the help of others, soon had the lumber, etc. out of reach of the fire. The wind was from a favourable quarter, thus eliminating the danger of the fire spreading.
The present proprietor, John M. Argue took hold of the mill this spring and started sawing a few weeks ago, having during the winter got in a large supply of logs which he was fast turning into lumber when this unfortunate set back occurred.
The Advance reports that a deputation who went to Montreal last week to interview members of the Quebec government in reference to the project of erecting a bridge over the channel between the Bay and Calumet Island and also the proposed building for a registry office at Campbell’s Bay met with fairly good encouragement from one of the cabinet.

May 2, 1895
125 Years Ago

Local News: Four hundred men are already at work on the O.A. and P.S. railway. Three hundred are on the first section west of the eastern terminus and one hundred on the second section. The principal work at present is rock-cutting and clearing the right of way.
Sugar making is over in Bristol and very little was made. The ice has left the lake, the Ross Point and Norway Bay ferries are running and the farmers are turning their attention to the soil. Some have began ploughing, others have oiled the harness, prepared the plough and harrow, fed the horses and in readiness await the proper condition of the ground.
J. McWhirter has commenced to frame a barn for Geo. Cuthbertson and John McIntosh is preparing to take up his position at the light house and help to guide the navigators of the Chats Lake.
Dr. Stackhouse will be at Quyon Tuesday; Shawville Wednesday; Campbell’s Bay Thursday and Fort Coulonge Friday.
Bailiff W. Elliott delivered a man from Bristol over to the charge of jailer Blondin at Bryson on Saturday last. The man was arrested at the instance of the authorities of Bristol township for resisting seizure of taxes. His case will come up before W. Rimer, J.P. on Friday.
Rev. H. Plaisted, M.A., with Mrs. Plaisted and children will leave about 10th of May, we understand, on a voyage to England where the reverend gentleman will spend a couple of months’ much needed rest among relatives. Bon voyage, say we.


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