Friday, July 26, 2024
The Way We Were

The Way We Were

May 17, 199525 Years Ago

The Little Hearts Club: The Little Hearts Club of Quyon, through sponsors, submitted messages to their moms. The following are some excerpts of their Mother’s Day tributes: “You are my favourite mom in the whole world.” Shannon Johnston; “I like to paint and to go for bike rides and also to help cook with my mom and to make pies.” Amanda Trudeau; “I love to play cards with my mom.” Lindsay Hamilton; “Thank you for taking me shopping.” Lindsay Daley.
Raising flag raises spirit of unity: The emphasis was on unity at the fifth annual “Raise the Flag” Day on May 12 in Shawville.
The message took on a special urgency in view of the fact that the Parti Québecois would like to see Quebec separated from Canada by this time next year.
“We live in unity,” said Diane Stephens, a Grade 8 student at PPHS. “All ten provinces and two territories are our family.”
Miss Stephens was one of four local students who read their prize-winning essays to a full auditorium at McDowell School.

May 20, 1970 — 50 Years Ago

Shawville Little Theatre wins a double-header: It was a first effort on the part of the Shawville Dramatic Society. Judging from the response, it won’t be the last one.
The drama group presented two short plays, “Fumed Oak” and “George” at the Dr. S.E. McDowell School on Friday.
“George”, a tangled comedy spoofing the seriousness of marriage, introduced Barbara Jones as Elizabeth, the featherbrained housewife, Marguerite Moyle as Sue, her friend and accomplice, Geoff Alton as Philip, and Gary Taylor as George.
The second play, “Fumed Oak” was played by Geoff Alton as Henry; Marguerite Moyle playing his domineering wife, Barbara Jones played a convincing whining, sniveling daughter.
Josie Tipping, producer and director of the plays, made her appearance on stage as the typical mother-in-law of folklore.
Leave it to Quyon to provide a wonderful evening’s entertainment: Onslow Intermediate School Auditorium was filled to capacity Saturday night as the Quyon CGIT Girls presented the three act comedy, “Leave it to the Girls”.
This group of teenagers, led and directed by Mrs. Laurie MacKechnie and Mrs. Roger Thompson, performed like pros as they carried out their roles.
It would be difficult to single out any one of the players as a star, however, Juliet Huntly in a heavy and difficult part was outstanding as was Marie Archambault in a comedy role. Others deserving of special mention included Susan Alexander, Brenda MacKechnie, Gloria Armitage, Anne McSweeny, Linda Huckabone, Dot McColl, Allyson Huntly and Donna MacKechnie.

May 24, 194575 Years Ago

Local News: Flight Lieut. James Bruce Findlay liberated from prison camp: Flt. Lt. J. Bruce Findlay, 24-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Findlay of Bristol, Que., has been liberated by the Allies, his parents learned last week. Taken prisoner in November, 1943, the young officer received a promotion in January of this year to his present rank.
On account of V-E Day falling on May 8, the regular meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary was postponed til May 15. Seven ladies were present with Mrs. Eades presiding and Mrs. Masson reading the minutes.
At the tea hour, the auxiliary was joined by a group of ladies from town and vicinity who had met to organize a married nurses group to be on call for special duty at the hospital.
Mrs. Eades poured tea and Mrs. Powles assisted Mrs. Smyth.
On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer were surprised by about fifty of their friends and neighbours who met at their home to spend a social evening with them before leaving their farm at Yarm, where Mr. Palmer has resided all of his life-time. They have now removed to and are residing at their new home in Shawville.
Admiral von Friedeburg, Supreme Commander for the German Navy signed a surrender pact while Field Marshal Montgomery was present. An estimated 1,000,000 Germans laid down their arms in Denmark, Holland and northwestern Germany.
Lt. Gen. Kurt Dittmar, Nazi military commentator on the Berlin radio and spokesman for the German high command, is reported captured by Allied western armies.

May 13, 1920 100 Years Ago

Local News: New gasoline pump: P.B. Moyle, our new garage man, has just installed a large gasoline tank and up-to-date pump and is now prepared to supply the public with the best grade of gas.
To farmers: provender grinding will be done on Fridays only at Shawville Roller Mills. Those wishing to have provender ground will kindly keep this in mind.
Apparently, Shawville is not to have a new railway station for some time to come, as alterations are being made in the existing building that are expected to meet the requirements of traffic till the Pontiac line becomes a link in the main system of the C.P.R. The alterations referred to will increase the waiting room capacity of the building by about 100 per cent and that is something to be thankful for these days.
Mr. F.W. Schwartz “the maple syrup king of the Pontiac”, dropped in to have a chat with THE EQUITY on Friday last and in reply to our query as to how the season panned out, he said it was fairly successful on the whole. The output of the three sugar bushes which he operated amounted to 800 gallons, nearly all of which was shipped to customers in the Northwest.
The Rev. I. Strowbridge, who has been in charge of the Anglican Mission at Otter Lake, has removed to Campbell’s Bay where he will take up the work in that field of church activity.
The genial youth of 93 summers, John R. Booth of Ottawa, has gone this week to spend a part of his 94th summer among the tall timbers. Mr. Booth is just taking a holiday, having in mind, no doubt, the maxim that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
The story of the heroism, pluck, endurance and devotion of how a party of Indians succeeded in conveying Dr. Cecil Corbett, after he met with a serious gun accident, a distance of 200 miles by dog train and canoe, through a wild uninhabited wilderness to the nearest settlement is deserving of a conspicuous place in the records of this or any other country.

May 16, 1895125 Years Ago
Local News: On Friday the mercury registered way up in the nineties and on Saturday it went down below the freezing point. A biting cold northwester prevailed on Sunday followed by a sharp frost at night. Garden stuff suffered more or less in consequence.
The Quebec government has appointed Mr. L.A. Henault, advocate of Bryson, attorney for the Revenue District of Pontiac.
Dr. T.C. Gaboury has decided to remove from Bryson to begin practice at Quyon village. He will take up residence in the late Dr. Astley’s house.
Word came by telegraph that during the severe thunderstorm on Wednesday afternoon, Dominie Coady, a young man of seventeen or eighteen years of age, was struck and killed by lightning at Blakeney, about four miles from Almonte.
The barn, stable and outbuildings of Mr. John Ross, Bristol, were totally destroyed during the storm on Wednesday evening last. Hugh Ross, his wife and Miss Chapman teacher in that section, were in the house when the lightning struck and although they immediately saw the fire and a crowd soon gathered, only a few pieces of machinery which were in an out shed were saved. A fine bull and several hogs perished in the flames Mr. and Mrs. Ross were in Arnprior when the accident happened. The loss is heavy and there is no insurance.
During the storm of Tuesday, Mary Godin, daughter of Baptiste Godin of Calumet Island, had a miraculous escape from death by lightning. From what can be ascertained, the electric current descended the stove pipe and overturned the stove near which the girl was standing at the time. Seven persons were in the house when the bolt struck, all of whom were more or less shocked by its effects. The injured girl had one of her legs so badly injured that amputation of the limb above the ankle was deemed necessary by Drs. Gaboury and Hurdman who performed the operation a day or two subsequent to the accident. The injured girl is progressing as favourably as expected under the circumstances.
Hull has a woman who is 110 years old in the person of Mrs. O’Meara. This remarkable old lady can count 50 grandchildren and 300 great grandchildren and distinctly remembers the Irish rebellion of 1798.


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