Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Way We Were

The Way We Were Compiled by Bonnie Chevrier

June 23, 1993

25 Years Ago
Fulford new Lions president: It was 30 years ago that Doug Fulford last served as president of the Shawville Lions Club and on Saturday night, his fellow Lions returned him to office.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge at Mill Dam Park in those three decades. Come to think of it, there wasn’t even a park there when Fulford last served.
Mayor Albert Armstrong mentioned the park in his speech to the Lions Saturday night. Improvements to the grounds became a personal project of outgoing president Gerry Walker.
An outstanding accomplishment was Charter Lion Dale Thomson’s success in securing funding for a new bus for the senior citizens’ Day Centre.
Bear curtails museum tour: The year-end trip for Grade 5 classes at Shawville’s McDowell School last Friday brought a little extra excitement.
Following a wet tour through Bonnechere Caves, students, teachers and parent helpers boarded buses to Pembroke for a tour of the many buildings comprising the Champlain Trail Museum.
Upon arrival, the group was quickly ushered into the main building and told by the curators that, due to circumstances beyond their control, the museum could not let the group tour the other buildings or grounds.
“Why not?” the students chorused.
“Because we had a bear on he mini-putt! Right now the bear is only two or three blocks away, so you had better stay inside.”
Toward the end of their visit, the Shawville group learned that the trespassing bear had been destroyed.


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