Friday, July 26, 2024
FeaturesHighlights 2

Introducing Edwin Valles, Bethel Pentecostal’s new pastor

Camilla Faragalli
Shawville Oct. 26, 2023
Edwin Valles was the only person in the Shawville Bethel Pentecostal Church on Thursday morning. He stood in the foyer, clad in a sports jacket and checkered shirt, and smiled when I walked in.
It took a moment for it to click that this was the new pastor of the Bethel Pentecostal Church; the pastor I’d arranged to meet. Maybe it was the sports jacket.
Valles was gracious enough to put an end to my confusion, introducing himself and offering a quick handshake. He led us into the empty chapel, where we sat not in the pews but on the regular chairs up against the back wall.
I soon learned that he, like I, was a GTA-grown city-slicker, taking on a new adventure in rural Quebec.
“I think, as a minister, you kind of ask yourself, ‘God, where do you want me to be? What direction do you want me to take?’” Valles reflected.
I, decidedly not a minister, asked him to clarify.
“We don’t ‘make moves’,” he said. “We decide to go places through prayer and through the leading of God. So through prayer we felt impressed that this is a place for us. I saw the ad on the website, that they were looking for a senior pastor, and felt that what they’re looking for… that I filled the need.”
In the “we”, he was referring to his wife and daughter, who have made the move to Pontiac as well.
“That’s the thing that encouraged me most [to come],” Valles said. “My family is onboard. They had to want to be here.”
Valles was born in the Philippines, into a family of 11 children. He came to Canada in the sixth grade, attending a French school in Quebec for two years before moving to Ontario.
“I’ve lived in BC, Ottawa, Quebec, all around Canada,” he said, “but I’m excited to be here.”
Valles told me he’s looking forward to getting to know the people of the church, but also of the larger community
“We’re praying that this is the right place for us. We’ve never lived in a community like this before, but we want to stay here long-term,” he said.
“I think in a small-town setting, you’re the pastor for the whole community.”
I asked Valles what it was that he’d meant earlier, about filling a “need” of the church.
What appears to be Valles’ true vocation became immediately evident.
“I try and be a father figure or a mentor to a lot of the young people,” he said. “Whether it just be hanging out playing basketball, or going to a restaurant.”
Valles said it was his impression that Bethel Pentecostal seemed determined to reach out to a younger generation.
“That’s been my thing for the longest time. I worked as a youth pastor at different churches for many years. My experience is in teaching and mentoring kids, and just reaching out to them,” Valles said.
“And that is why I think I’m a good fit here.”
Pastor Edwin Valles will be holding his first mass at Bethel Pentecostal this Sunday, Nov. 5, at 10 a.m. All are welcome.


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