Thursday, July 25, 2024
Highlights 2News

New beginnings in the Pontiac

Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi Pontiac hosts 5-a-7 at Hoffman Brewery

Madelaine Methot
Campbell’s Bay August 24, 2023
The CJEP organized a young entrepreneur 5-a-7 socializing event at Brauwerk Hoffman on Thursday as a part of their Place aux Jeunes program. The event was open to any young professional looking for a new place to start their career and welcomed Pontiac locals as well as individuals from the Gatineau region
Place aux Jeunes, one of the many programs offered by the CJEP, focuses on bringing young professionals between the ages of 18 and 35 to the Pontiac for jobs. There has been a rural exodus of young people from the Pontiac leaving to go find work in other regions, Lisa Boisvert, agent for the Place aux Jeunes program told THE EQUITY. The goal of the program is to accompany young people in realizing the various job opportunities and life projects that are available here in our region and to grow a local dynamic network of businesses.
Candidates are considered who may have grown up in the area and moved away for school or individuals who show interest in relocating to the Pontiac to start their professional careers. “We just want people to know that there are jobs here,” said Boisvert.
Through the Place aux Jeunes program, candidates who apply are offered an exploratory stay in the region as well as virtual resources and activities to explore what the Pontiac has to offer. Once a candidate does decide to relocate, the program also offers individual support in finding housing and job opportunities.
Last week the program welcomed Elise Dudant and Theo Vandenheede from Belgium to the region. Dudant partook in one of the exploratory stays last summer and decided the Pontiac was the place for her, she told THE EQUITY. She will be teaching French in the region this year, and Vandenheede, her good friend who decided to come along for the adventure, will be working in the local construction industry.
The Thursday evening social event also welcomed members of the MRC and SADC to discuss potential support and business opportunities with attendees.
Marianne Desjardins-Roy, owner of La Fée du Bois apothecary was also invited as a special guest to speak with attendees, as she was a successful Place aux Jeunes program candidate 12 years ago. She started with a dream of growing her own herbs for teas and after settling on purchasing land in Clarendon and the support of the Place aux Jeunes program, she has now grown her business into a successful natural apothecary farm.


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